
HHM X Stories Of Hope | 他们不会接受自闭症患者

一位自闭儿的非凡梦想 Since young, Caleb Heng has always wanted to be a police officer. However, at the age of 11, he was officially...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 为了逃离战乱Klevis 和哥哥只好向走私犯求助

不要让过去定义你的未来 Klevis Shima is a hawker in Singapore who once fled from Albania. He lived in poverty as a child in Tirana,...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 小时候的许文铭经常目睹父母争吵

我们都可以有个美满的家 🏡 Growing up, Raymus Koh often witnessed his parents’ fight. At 11, he could only hide in his room while his parents yelled and slammed doors. The family’s relationship eventually became so strained that conversations dwindled to only “Hellos” and...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 洪美妮的父亲曾染上毒瘾常常进出监狱

一份救赎与爱的故事 ❤️ Minnie’s dad was a drug addict who went in and out of jail. When she was five, Minnie met him for the first time...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 因多次犯法 戴国宾总共入狱12年还被判8下鞭刑

监狱副所长竟然跪下帮囚犯洗脚,请求原谅!😱 Robin Tay spent 12 years in prison with 8 strokes of the cane for multiple crimes....

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 2008年 吴金光不幸摔倒伤了腿

医生说他的腿无法复原。。。😱 In 2008, Uncle Goh had a bad fall and injured his leg. For years after, he often felt pain from walking...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 小时候的李心钰无法和父母 一起生活

爱修复了李心钰和妈妈的关系 ❤️ When she was young, Belinda Lee’s family was unable to raise her and she was sent to live with her...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 婷在少年时期经常被女同学蔑视和霸凌

世界不能定义你的价值 ❤️ As a teen, Kate Yong was bullied by girls who constantly belittled her. Mentally affected, she vowed never to feel so powerless again. In 2010, she discovered her love for deejaying and performing, and decided to be a full-time DJ, hungry to prove her worth. As...