
《我会好好的》饶家瑜的故事 Maria Rau’s story


HHM X Stories Of Hope | 多年来一直困扰嘉豪的恶习,在一夜间消失了!

多年来一直困扰嘉豪的恶习,在一夜间消失了! Trigger Warning: This story mentions depression and suicide. Robin Tan was a ‘party...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈 ❤️

爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈 ❤️ Leslie Ng was a loving husband to Margaret Ong. For 23 years, Margaret never saw any hint of her husband’s mental illness. However, in mid-2008, Leslie started becoming severely paranoid. He taped black paper on windows and imagined people spying on...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 妻子与俊伟离婚 留下他独自抚养4个孩子

‘爸爸’是一辈子的职业,我不能放弃! Warning: This story contains mentions of suicide. Wayne Toh’s life unravelled when his...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 5年前郑仲勋驾车带女友 Maria 去兜风

今天你需要原谅谁?他们做了一件不可能的事 🥹❤️ 5 years ago, Nicholas Tay took his girlfriend Maria out for a drive. Speeding...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 吴芯方从小就丧失了语言和行动能力甚至连自己呼吸都做不到

今天是我17岁的生日。 Once able to crawl, Amelia Ng can now no longer speak, move, nor breathe on her own. She suffers from Infantile...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 程文庆是 CNA 节目‘铁窗背后’中的一名囚犯

充满希望的未来 Tian Boon Keng was an inmate featured in Inside Maximum Security (CNA). In prison, Boon Keng only knew about his mum’s death...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 父亲发怒是因为Faith 要来新加坡当女佣

经历过的困难都不是白费的 When she was 18, Faith’s father pointed his gun right at her as he was angry that she had applied to work as a domestic helper in Singapore. But Faith wanted to get far away from home… Her parents were alcoholics; her mum was also a gambler. When Faith...