
两句话让他从死里复活 Two words from Jesus woke him up from death


医生证实我的丈夫已死亡 Doctors said: “Your husband is already dead.”


HHM X Stories Of Hope | 迷恋胜利的快感

追寻真正富足的奔跑之旅 👣🛤️ Mok Ying Ren was exceptionally athletic from a young age. He was always the fastest kid in school and got the best results in fitness tests. Ying Ren subsequently went on to run competitively and started winning in major competitions – including...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 噩梦从未停止折磨她

宝钻从小就饱受噩梦折磨,是什么让她得释放? Imagine being trapped in a cave, surrounded by walls of flesh oozing with blood. The...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 监狱里的忠仁只想复仇

若有机会重来,你想改变什么? An ex-convict’s second chance at life. After his parents’ divorce, young Tobin Toh was sent to live...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 爸爸被骗了100万美元

他被骗了100万美元 TRIGGER WARNING: This story mentions suicide and mental illness. Growing up, Juinn Yee saw her dad working hard to support...

我只敢在夜晚出门 Hello darkness, my old friend「行 Action」Dawson Ng 吴子康

宝贝,妈妈好想你!My Dear Child, I Really Miss You!「行 Action」Elizabeth Lui 吕雪铃

注:视频中某些内容可能令人不适,请自行斟酌观看。 TRIGGER WARNING: This video contains images that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. 母亲节特别呈献