
人生有很多问号The Many “Whys” of Life「行 Action」Geraldine Chia 谢美玲

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 洪美妮的父亲曾染上毒瘾常常进出监狱

一份救赎与爱的故事 ❤️ Minnie’s dad was a drug addict who went in and out of jail. When she was five, Minnie met him for the first time...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 2008年 吴金光不幸摔倒伤了腿

医生说他的腿无法复原。。。😱 In 2008, Uncle Goh had a bad fall and injured his leg. For years after, he often felt pain from walking and needed rest. In 2011, Uncle Goh’s pain got so severe that he was taken to the hospital where he saw a specialist, who said that his leg was badly...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 婷在少年时期经常被女同学蔑视和霸凌

世界不能定义你的价值 ❤️ As a teen, Kate Yong was bullied by girls who constantly belittled her. Mentally affected, she vowed never to...

《我会好好的》饶家瑜的故事 Maria Rau’s story


HHM X Stories Of Hope | 多年来一直困扰嘉豪的恶习,在一夜间消失了!

多年来一直困扰嘉豪的恶习,在一夜间消失了! Trigger Warning: This story mentions depression and suicide. Robin Tan was a ‘party...

HHM X Stories Of Hope | 妻子与俊伟离婚 留下他独自抚养4个孩子

‘爸爸’是一辈子的职业,我不能放弃! Warning: This story contains mentions of suicide. Wayne Toh’s life unravelled when his...

哇!WOW! |我开始拍戏了 New drama alert

Confronting familiar doubts anew