一位自闭儿的非凡梦想 Since young, Caleb Heng has always wanted to be a police officer. However, at the age of 11, he was officially...
不要让过去定义你的未来 Klevis Shima is a hawker in Singapore who once fled from Albania. He lived in poverty as a child in Tirana, Albania, during a violent civil war. After his mum died, Klevis and his brother turned to smugglers to escape the war and their violent father. They reached...
“我很挣扎,如果要创业的话,真的是一窍不通!” 🤯...
“这次真的不要再吸毒了,我要好好做人!” 可是两小时后,毒瘾又犯了,我就忘了所说的话…… 12...
“我一直怀疑,有一天会轮到我吗?等了八年,幸福终于来了” 💍...