
HHM X Stories Of Hope | 5年前郑仲勋驾车带女友 Maria 去兜风

今天你需要原谅谁?他们做了一件不可能的事 🥹❤️

5 years ago, Nicholas Tay took his girlfriend Maria out for a drive. Speeding with alcohol in his blood, Nicholas crashed, killing Maria. Guilt-ridden, he begged Maria’s parents for their forgiveness. Even amid their anguish, her parents unconditionally forgave him. Maria’s dad told Nicholas, “I forgive you because I first knew God before I knew my family.” Nicholas did not expect nor feel he deserved such a loving response. However, Maria’s parents kept in touch and even welcomed Nicholas to live with them when he had no place to stay. They also wrote petitions asking for his court charges to be dropped. Nicholas ended up serving 2 years in jail for causing Maria’s death and every week, Maria’s parents travelled far to visit him in prison, showing him love. “I’ve never known forgiveness like this. Now I know what unconditional love really is”, says Nicholas. “I still feel the guilt. But their forgiveness has taught me how to forgive myself, and to also see God’s love for us.” Today, Nicholas works full-time to help others and remains close to Maria’s parents.


HHM X Stories Of Hope | 5年前郑仲勋驾车带女友 Maria 去兜风

今天你需要原谅谁?他们做了一件不可能的事 🥹❤️

5 years ago, Nicholas Tay took his girlfriend Maria out for a drive. Speeding with alcohol in his blood, Nicholas crashed, killing Maria. Guilt-ridden, he begged Maria’s parents for their forgiveness. Even amid their anguish, her parents unconditionally forgave him. Maria’s dad told Nicholas, “I forgive you because I first knew God before I knew my family.” Nicholas did not expect nor feel he deserved such a loving response. However, Maria’s parents kept in touch and even welcomed Nicholas to live with them when he had no place to stay. They also wrote petitions asking for his court charges to be dropped. Nicholas ended up serving 2 years in jail for causing Maria’s death and every week, Maria’s parents travelled far to visit him in prison, showing him love. “I’ve never known forgiveness like this. Now I know what unconditional love really is”, says Nicholas. “I still feel the guilt. But their forgiveness has taught me how to forgive myself, and to also see God’s love for us.” Today, Nicholas works full-time to help others and remains close to Maria’s parents.