
HHM X Stories Of Hope | 失去希望、迷失方向 – 在黑暗中的蔡文杰找到了一束光,给他新的盼望。[ 注: 此视频涉及自杀内容,请自行斟酌观看。]

注: 此视频涉及自杀内容,请自行斟酌观看。 失去希望、迷失方向 – 在黑暗中的蔡文杰找到了一束光,给他新的盼望。

TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains mentions of suicide.

At 12 years old, Theodor Chua was diagnosed with mild Asperger’s and ADHD. Due to his symptoms, he was abused by bullies who kicked his face and stole from him.

Depressed, he felt it was better for his family if he killed himself. He was later rejected by a girl and was also dropped from his army course. Feeling useless, he turned to vices and also overate, quickly gaining 10kg.

Theo confessed his activities to his parents – and felt “the greatest shame in my life”. Concerned, a family friend invited Theo to join a church’s youth community for support. Theo didn’t believe in God – but he joined the group just to meet new people. Theo grew to love and feel loved by his closest friends. But he doubted their faith in a ‘loving God’. He needed real proof.

One day at youth camp, Theo was casually singing a song when, suddenly… He heard a clear, booming, yet gentle voice speak straight to his spirit. The voice said: “I’m here, and I’ve always been here”.

Theo wept. He instantly knew God is real and has loved him from the start. From that moment, Theo’s life changed. He gave up his vices and stopped overeating. He also forgave his bullies, letting go of his past anger and hate. “Without God, I was lost and wanted to die. But now I’m found. I hope you, too, will give Him a chance.”


HHM X Stories Of Hope | 失去希望、迷失方向 – 在黑暗中的蔡文杰找到了一束光,给他新的盼望。[ 注: 此视频涉及自杀内容,请自行斟酌观看。]

注: 此视频涉及自杀内容,请自行斟酌观看。 失去希望、迷失方向 – 在黑暗中的蔡文杰找到了一束光,给他新的盼望。

TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains mentions of suicide.

At 12 years old, Theodor Chua was diagnosed with mild Asperger’s and ADHD. Due to his symptoms, he was abused by bullies who kicked his face and stole from him.

Depressed, he felt it was better for his family if he killed himself. He was later rejected by a girl and was also dropped from his army course. Feeling useless, he turned to vices and also overate, quickly gaining 10kg.

Theo confessed his activities to his parents – and felt “the greatest shame in my life”. Concerned, a family friend invited Theo to join a church’s youth community for support. Theo didn’t believe in God – but he joined the group just to meet new people. Theo grew to love and feel loved by his closest friends. But he doubted their faith in a ‘loving God’. He needed real proof.

One day at youth camp, Theo was casually singing a song when, suddenly… He heard a clear, booming, yet gentle voice speak straight to his spirit. The voice said: “I’m here, and I’ve always been here”.

Theo wept. He instantly knew God is real and has loved him from the start. From that moment, Theo’s life changed. He gave up his vices and stopped overeating. He also forgave his bullies, letting go of his past anger and hate. “Without God, I was lost and wanted to die. But now I’m found. I hope you, too, will give Him a chance.”