
HHM X Stories Of Hope | 噩梦从未停止折磨她


Imagine being trapped in a cave, surrounded by walls of flesh oozing with blood. The squishy meat multiplying like cells, surrounding and squeezing you – This recurring nightmare plagued Jaime Chiah from as far back as she can remember.

Since young, Jaime has always been sensitive to spirits. When she passed by places of worship, like altars, she would faint or her legs would swell. She visited mediums and was washed in flower water, but none could stop the nightmares. Eventually, she accepted them as part of everyday life.

However, in her 20s, Jaime’s nightmares became something else. “When I woke up, I would feel something heavy breathing down my neck,” she recounts. She soon became fearful of her nights and suffered from insomnia. At that time, she also faced multiple failed relationships. Hence to numb the pain and escape from reality, Jaime turned to partying and drinking. Despite her high-functioning exterior, she was actually in great turmoil and had thoughts of ending her life.

One night, while tormented by the evil spirit, she started to hear human voices. Though Jaime didn’t understand them, she remembered hearing similar words when she visited a church and people spoke in tongues. She started to focus on those voices in church and for the first time in a long while, she relaxed and fell asleep. The next morning, she saw an advertisement on the newspaper for a church’s Sunday service and stepped into the church. Jaime later gave her life to God.

Though the nightmares didn’t stop, there was one huge difference – “I started to have confidence and assurance that my soul had been saved.” She would also call upon the name of Jesus whenever she had an episode and it worked. Gradually, almost without her noticing, the nightmares ceased.

Till today, she has no idea what her nightmares were tied to but without them, she may not have known God. Jaime is now happily married with 2 children.

“God has been blessing me abundantly. If you are going through challenging times, don’t lose heart. God helped me and I know He can help you too.”


HHM X Stories Of Hope | 噩梦从未停止折磨她


Imagine being trapped in a cave, surrounded by walls of flesh oozing with blood. The squishy meat multiplying like cells, surrounding and squeezing you – This recurring nightmare plagued Jaime Chiah from as far back as she can remember.

Since young, Jaime has always been sensitive to spirits. When she passed by places of worship, like altars, she would faint or her legs would swell. She visited mediums and was washed in flower water, but none could stop the nightmares. Eventually, she accepted them as part of everyday life.

However, in her 20s, Jaime’s nightmares became something else. “When I woke up, I would feel something heavy breathing down my neck,” she recounts. She soon became fearful of her nights and suffered from insomnia. At that time, she also faced multiple failed relationships. Hence to numb the pain and escape from reality, Jaime turned to partying and drinking. Despite her high-functioning exterior, she was actually in great turmoil and had thoughts of ending her life.

One night, while tormented by the evil spirit, she started to hear human voices. Though Jaime didn’t understand them, she remembered hearing similar words when she visited a church and people spoke in tongues. She started to focus on those voices in church and for the first time in a long while, she relaxed and fell asleep. The next morning, she saw an advertisement on the newspaper for a church’s Sunday service and stepped into the church. Jaime later gave her life to God.

Though the nightmares didn’t stop, there was one huge difference – “I started to have confidence and assurance that my soul had been saved.” She would also call upon the name of Jesus whenever she had an episode and it worked. Gradually, almost without her noticing, the nightmares ceased.

Till today, she has no idea what her nightmares were tied to but without them, she may not have known God. Jaime is now happily married with 2 children.

“God has been blessing me abundantly. If you are going through challenging times, don’t lose heart. God helped me and I know He can help you too.”