
HHM X Stories Of Hope | 为了逃离战乱Klevis 和哥哥只好向走私犯求助


Klevis Shima is a hawker in Singapore who once fled from Albania.

He lived in poverty as a child in Tirana, Albania, during a violent civil war. After his mum died, Klevis and his brother turned to smugglers to escape the war and their violent father. They reached Italy by speedboat after almost getting caught by authorities.

Homeless and starving, the brothers stole bread and were arrested by the police. They were then sent to live in an overcrowded children’s shelter. However, Klevis’s life changed when they were moved to a spacious home that was sponsored by a church. With the home’s support, Klevis went to school and graduated with a diploma.

Klevis first met Ali while working in a restaurant. They then got married and moved to Singapore. Klevis opened his heart to God after finally realising how He was with him all his life. He says, “Leaving Albania, going to Italy, coming to Singapore was all God’s plan. It was tough but God was with me every step.”

With God, Klevis knows his life is renewed and free. Now, Klevis happily sells Mediterranean and Italian food at Beauty World.


HHM X Stories Of Hope | 为了逃离战乱Klevis 和哥哥只好向走私犯求助


Klevis Shima is a hawker in Singapore who once fled from Albania.

He lived in poverty as a child in Tirana, Albania, during a violent civil war. After his mum died, Klevis and his brother turned to smugglers to escape the war and their violent father. They reached Italy by speedboat after almost getting caught by authorities.

Homeless and starving, the brothers stole bread and were arrested by the police. They were then sent to live in an overcrowded children’s shelter. However, Klevis’s life changed when they were moved to a spacious home that was sponsored by a church. With the home’s support, Klevis went to school and graduated with a diploma.

Klevis first met Ali while working in a restaurant. They then got married and moved to Singapore. Klevis opened his heart to God after finally realising how He was with him all his life. He says, “Leaving Albania, going to Italy, coming to Singapore was all God’s plan. It was tough but God was with me every step.”

With God, Klevis knows his life is renewed and free. Now, Klevis happily sells Mediterranean and Italian food at Beauty World.