
”我不想吃解药“ 陈主恩的故事 Matthew Tan’s story

父子情深、血浓于水,这对主恩而言只是奢侈的幻想。 曾亲手将父亲送进监狱,扮演判官决定他不值得被原谅。多年心结引发一波又一波的自责…… 原来人生会有“来不及“。 ”我不想吃解药“ – 陈主恩的故事

Matthew never once expected an intimate relationship with his father. Having arrested him personally, he decided his dad was not deserving of forgiveness. As remorse accumulated over the years, Matthew learnt that some things should have been said before it’s too late. Don’t Give Me the Antidote – Matthew Tan’s story


”我不想吃解药“ 陈主恩的故事 Matthew Tan’s story

父子情深、血浓于水,这对主恩而言只是奢侈的幻想。 曾亲手将父亲送进监狱,扮演判官决定他不值得被原谅。多年心结引发一波又一波的自责…… 原来人生会有“来不及“。 ”我不想吃解药“ – 陈主恩的故事

Matthew never once expected an intimate relationship with his father. Having arrested him personally, he decided his dad was not deserving of forgiveness. As remorse accumulated over the years, Matthew learnt that some things should have been said before it’s too late. Don’t Give Me the Antidote – Matthew Tan’s story